
Polysense Innovations has just published a new article on ACS Omega in collaboration with Saudi Aramco Company reporting on the performance of a compact and portable QEPAS system able to measure concentrations of methane (C1), ethane (C2), and propane (C3) in gas phase within the percentage range that is typically encountered in natural gas samples from oil and gas fields.
Read more: New publication in collaboration with Saudi Aramco Company

Today the president of the Port Authority of Bari, Ugo Patroni Griffi, visited the PolySenSe Laboratories and PolySenSe Innovations.
Read more: Ugo Patroni Griffi visits PolySenSe Lab & PolySenSe Innovations

Today the director of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA), Vito Bruno, visited the PolySenSe laboratories and PolySenSe Innovations.
Read more: Director of ARPA Puglia visits PolySenSe Lab & PolySenSe Innovations

The president of the Italian National Council of Reaserch (CNR), Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza, today visited the PolySenSe Laboratories and PolySenSe Innovations.
During the visit of the Physics Department "Michelangelo Merlin", Prof. Carrozza joined us for a visit at our laboratory.
Read more: Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza visits the PolySenSe Lab & PolySenSe Innovations