Design, Prototyping and Innovations.
PolySenSe Innovations is a spin-off company of the Polytechnic of Bari, devoted to the development of optical-based sensors, technical training for companies, and to find solution to strategic problems.
Our Services
PolySenSe Innovations helps businesses to increase performances and find better solutions.

Design and prototyping
On demand development of electronic devices and gas sensors for detection and monitoring of physical quantities in critical fields.

Technical training
Sharing expertise with the staff of national and international companies, research institutions and public administration.

Feasibility studies
Find together the best solutions to strategic problems related to the "new green deal", ecological transition and national plan on recovery and resilience.

Ask our experts how to efficiently approach applications related to gas sensing using innovative spectroscopic approaches for sustainable progress.
Our Story
PolySenSe Innovations is a spin-off company born from the meeting of experts in photonics and sensing with experts in business creation.
Based at the Physics Department of the University and Polytechnic of Bari, our team aims to share their expertise with companies, research institutes and public administration.
Our Blog

New publication in collaboration with Saudi Aramco Company
Polysense Innovations has just published a new article on ACS Omega in collaboration with Saudi...

Ugo Patroni Griffi visits PolySenSe Lab & PolySenSe Innovations
Today the president of the Port Authority of Bari, Ugo Patroni Griffi, visited the PolySenSe...

Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza visits the PolySenSe Lab & PolySenSe Innovations
The president of the Italian National Council of Reaserch (CNR), Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza,...

Director of ARPA Puglia visits PolySenSe Lab & PolySenSe Innovations
Today the director of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA), Vito Bruno, visited the...